Veiled hearts

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


The first time their eyes met a deafening rip tore through her head

Mistaking it for her broken heart’s pieces cracking once again

She turned her gaze away, not wanting to shatter what took so long to mend

But something in his hazel eyes called to her through past lies

She dared another sideways glance a strange rising courage at the end

Pushed her into the unknown, where hopes renew and dreams begin

The second time their eyes met she did not flinch when the ripping sounded

A hazel gaze pierced through flimsy veils wrapping tight around the wounded

99 words

I read Erin Hanson’s poetry recently and was just so ultra inspired that I simply had to attempt my own. Last time I was inspired to pen rhythmic verse was in high school. So forgive me if it’s not perfect. The 100 word limit was quite challenging this time!

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by novelist and artist, Rochelle. The challenge is to write a full story in 100 words or less.

Click here to read more flash fiction from other great writers.


Here is one of Erin’s poems. She is a talented young woman in her early twenties, touching hearts and moving souls since her teens with her magical prose.


21 thoughts on “Veiled hearts

  1. that was a beautiful poem from Eric. I loved your story too. It reflected a sea of emotion swirling inside.

    One critique (if you don’t mind). I would suggest swtiching the order of a strange rising courage to a strange courage rising. But it works either way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your inclination towards the dark and dangerous! 😊 it could go either way. But that’s another story for another Friday Fictioneers maybe. Thank you, Rochelle.


  2. I shall be optimistic in not seeing danger – though there always is a little bit of danger in falling in love, isn’t there? I love the bandage vision, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well written, Fatima. Recovering from a broken heart can be a slow, painful process. I’m glad she’s starting to dare to trust again.
    I liked Erin’s poetry too. Thank you for introducing me to it.

    Liked by 1 person

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